08 Oct Sustaining Indonesia’s Marine Ecosystem

A long-held dream came true recently when more than 110 representatives from 32 NGOs working on marine conservation and sustainable fisheries in Indonesia attended a conference for the Indonesian Marine Funders Collaboration (IMFC) in Sanur, Bali. The conference was started with a poster competition and...

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30 Sep Synergy in the Governance and Management of MPAs & Development of Sustainable Marine Tourism in Indonesia

Maritime Local Government Network (LGN) and the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (CMMA), organised a national workshop on the Governance of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) & Sustainable Marine Tourism in Indonesia, held on 30 September 2019 in Bandara International Hotel...

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26 Sep Talking Underwater 2 : The Day the Sea Changed

The CTC Center for Marine Conservation held another fantastic Talking Underwater event this month, highlighting the threats to oceans and the work being done by conservationists to protect marine and coastal ecosystems. Over 100 guests joined us for a screening of Blue, a documentary by...

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Coral Triangle Center