Conducted the Banda Sea marine ecological rapid assessment; initiated Ay-Rhun MPA and the Banda MPA Network.
Provided inputs for TWP Laut Banda MPA Zoning Design and Management Plan; disseminated results of Banda Sea marine ecological rapid assessment results; initiated Hatta Island MPA with ILMMA.
Conducted reef health monitoring (RHM); supported the development of Ay Island MPA zoning plan and Ay Island conservation team; supported Ay Island declaration as local MPA under village regulation and revitalization of sasi system; supported the finalization of the TWP Laut Banda zoning and management plan.
Conducted RHM and supported declaration of Hatta Island as a local MPA under village regulation.
Maluku Province reserved the Ay-Rhun MPA; Central Maluku Regency legalized Ay Island conservation team.
Conducted RHM; supported the development of the Ay-Rhun MPA zoning and management plan and establishment of Banda Islands MPA Network Management Forum.
Conducted RHM; supported development of Banda Islands MPA Network Forum structure and work plan.
Conducted biophysical and socio-economic surveys in in TWP Laut Banda and in the Ay-Rhun MPA; supported the establishment of the Ay-Rhun Island MPA Task Force and MPA Management Unit.
The Ay and Rhun Islands MPA was declared through the MMAF Ministerial Decree No. 48 of 2021, signed on June 21, 2021.
Scoping and evaluation undertaken across the Banda Islands, including manta tow marine monitoring and marine rapid surveys. Initial engagement and consultation with communities and assessment of network opportunities.
Extensive community based socialization of MPA concept, sharing of scientific and traditional knowledge, establishment of community fora, and identification of opportunities, capacity needs and early planning.
Banda sea MPA (pre-existing) zone design completed and new management plan formally approved. Ay Island MPA zone design completed and approved under village regulation, with community conservation team established.
Regular recurring monitoring practices established through the archipelago, measuring reef health and socio-economic conditions. Hatta Island MPA zone design complete, approved under village regulation, and community conservation team established. A Community Learning Center established at Ay Island.