30 Apr Virtual Focus Group Discussion to Develop Five-year MPA Capacity-Building Roadmap in Indonesia

CTC has collaborated with the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries’ (MMAF) Directorate of Marine Resource Conservation (KKHL) and Center of Training and Extensions (Puslatluh), to develop a roadmap for MPA personnel capacity building in the country. This collaboration started in January this year and...

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22 Apr Earth Day Bingo: Everyday Actions to Protect the Planet

Since 1970, people all over the world have celebrated Earth Day every April 22 to celebrate our planet and what we can do to protect it. This year, as Earth Day celebrations marked its 50th year, they highlighted the issue of climate action to engage...

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08 Mar Be Inspired by the Oceans: Fun Day with Young Painters of “Studio Gelombang”

Twenty young painters from Studio Gelombang (Waves Studio) in Gianyar visited our Center for Marine Conservation and brought their enthusiasm to learn new things in marine conservation. Before coming to our center, these kids been active in creating artwork, including marine-theme paintings, under the supervision...

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Coral Triangle Center