Protecting Our Coral Reefs
by Diving and Snorkeling the Green Fins Way
The tide is turning for marine tourism in Indonesia with the launch of Green Fins in January 2018.
Established in 2004, Green Fins provides international standards for environmentally responsible diving and snorkeling. It is coordinated by the UN Environment and The Reef-World Foundation and is being implemented in Indonesia by the Coral Triangle Center. It is also an active network of more than 500 dive and snorkel operators in eight countries around the world all working to protect our marine environment.
Green Fins is a proven conservation management approach which leads to a measurable reduction in the negative environmental impacts associated with marine tourism. It aims to protect coral reefs through environmentally friendly guidelines promoting sustainable diving and snorkelling. It provides the only internationally recognised environmental standards for marine tourism and its robust assessment system measures compliance.
When a dive or snorkel operator joins Green Fins, they are making a commitment to protect coral reefs and our marine environment by agreeing to critically assess all aspects of their day-to-day operations.
Membership Process
  • Free membership
  • Environmental training
  • Environmental risk assessment
  • Consultation to agree on improvements
  • Certified active member (1 year)
  • Annual training and assessment
  • Membership type:
    Continued membership (Top 10 dive centers with best assessment scores)
  • Suspended membership (Environmental standards are not improved over time)
Members are given a set of tools and a step-by-step guide to achieve results based on a Code of Conduct. They receive annual assessments, training and feedback to help them achieve the Code of Conduct as well as a system to track their progress.
Green Fins provides an opportunity for marine tourism operators to be recognized as role models in sustainability by improving their business practices and helping raise awareness of their customers to help save our reefs and the ocean that connects us all.
You can find more information about Green Fins here:
Contact Green Fins Indonesia via this email:
Let’s dive and snorkel the Green Fins Way!
Coral Triangle Center