22 Aug MPA Day 2024: Inspiring the Next Generation of Mangrove Guardians

On August 1st, we celebrated MPA Day with a special focus on children and mangroves in the Nusa Penida MPA. Since 2022, CTC partnered with the Gili Bhuana Group to rehabilitate mangrove forests in Nusa Lembongan affected by local development. To date, 7,965 square meters...

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18 Apr CTC’s Adopt-a-Coral Program Shows Progress in Coral Restoration Efforts in the Nusa Penida Marine Protected Area (MPA)

CTC is pleased to share that since its establishment in December 2020, our Adopt -a Coral program has successfully restored close to 160 square meters of damaged reefs in the Nusa Penida Marine Protected Area (MPA). The program uses the Mars Assisted Reef Restoration System (MARRS)...

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29 Oct Inspiring CTC’s Ocean Keeper Club Saving Oceans through Wayang Samudra

This month, we held our 7th session of our Ocean Keeper Club. The club takes a fun approach to educating young people about the beauty of our oceans and their unique inhabitants as well as the challenges they face today. Through interactive learning and club...

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Coral Triangle Center