24 Jun US Senator’s Field Learning Trip in Nusa Penida Marine Protected Area

On Sunday, June 2, 2024, Coral Triangle Center (CTC) facilitated a Field Learning Trip for officials from the US Senate and USAID to the Nusa Penida Marine Protected Area (MPA), Bali. The trip provided an immersive experience in marine conservation and community-based environmental management practices....

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09 Apr Waste Management Initiative in Batununggul Village: A Step Towards Environmental Sustainability

On March 21, 2024, CTC facilitated a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signing for waste management in Batununggul village between BUMDES (village-owned enterprise) and Lembongan Recycling. It marks a crucial step in addressing the pressing waste management issue in the Nusa Penida Marine Protected Area (MPA),...

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12 Mar Towards a Cleaner Banda Islands: Plastic Waste Management Survey

The Coral Triangle Center (CTC) is currently conducting a survey on plastic waste in Banda Islands. Taking place from February 1st to March 16th, 2024, the study will be divided into several phases: preparation, training of enumerators, data collection and analysis, stakeholder consultation, and final...

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12 Mar Mahu Village Decree for the Protection of Natural Resources Catalyzes Wider Sustainable Dugong Conservation in Maluku Province

The enactment of Mahu Village Decree no. 3 of the year 2023 on the Protection of Natural Resources (Perlindungan Sumber Daya Alam) on August 24th, 2023, catalyzes wider sustainable dugong and seagrass habitat conservation in Lease Islands MPA. This was the expressed hope of stakeholders...

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19 Feb Coral Restoration Demonstration Site Aims to Rehabilitate Damaged Reefs in the Nusa Penida Marine Protected Area

From January 29th to February 2nd, 2024, we successfully conducted the Coral Restoration Demonstration Site in Nusa Penida Marine Protected Area (MPA), specifically in Toya Pakeh to the east of the Quicksilver Mega Pontoon. These activities were conducted in collaboration with local partners and resulted...

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28 Dec Surveillance and Resource Utilization Monitoring (RUM) in Ay Island and Rhun Island MPA and Lease Islands MPA

Since 2018, the Coral Triangle Center (CTC) and Maluku Province Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Office have been monitoring marine and fisheries resource utilization in conservation areas. This activity is intended to ensure sustainability and regulatory compliance, increasing interaction between conservation area management units and resource...

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28 Dec Reef Health Monitoring in Nusa Penida Marine Protected Area (MPA)

The CTC Field Team alongside partners from Balai Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Pesisir Laut (BPSPL), Unit Pengelola Teknis Daerah (UPTD), Kelompok Masyarakat Pengawas (Pokmaswas) conducted reef health monitoring (RHM) in the Nusa Penida MPA from November 13-18 and on November 30, 2023 at a total of thirteen...

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08 Dec Charting Progress: Evaluating Marine Protected Area Management Effectiveness (EVIKA) in Bali and Maluku Provinces

The Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries conducted a 2023 evaluation of 101 Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), including Maluku and Bali Provinces, using the 2020 EVIKA framework to evaluate their management effectiveness. Recent MPAs evaluations in Maluku (August 9-11, 2023) and Bali Province (September 26,...

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Coral Triangle Center