24 Jul Successful Nusa Penida MPA Management Highlighted in London Conference

CTC attended the 19th International Conference on Marine Conservation (ICMC) held on July 24-26 2017 in London, United Kingdom with more than 300 participants and around 100 presenters from all over the world. This year’s conference focused on “Marine and Atmospheric Sciences”.

CTC’s Field Learning Site Manager Marthen Welly presented the results of extensive coral and fish monitoring and their role as key bio-indicators to measure the effective management of the Nusa Penida MPA in Bali. Marthen also had the opportunity to be the chairman in one of the conference’s sessions, discussing the fish and coral conditions at Nusa Penida.

The good news is that the abundance and biomass of fish has slightly increased from 2011 to 2016, whereas the percentage of live coral has moderately decreased due to a mass bleaching event in 2015. However, overall the coral reef is still in good shape with 67.2% of live corals in 2016. In conclusion, the Nusa Penida MPA is an effective managed area for both coral and fish.

The ICMC aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Marine Conservation. It also provides the premier interdisciplinary forum to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of marine conservation

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