Financing for Marine Protected Areas and Coastal Management

Financing for Marine Protected Areas and Coastal Management

Marine biodiversity is critical both for its intrinsic value and for the key role it plays in providing the essentials of life: food, fuel, medicines, pollution mitigation, and many, many more. Yet, despite its importance for human wellbeing, the financing currently available for marine conservation efforts does not meet global or local needs. This lack of funds prevents many sites from achieving effective long-term management.

Sustainable financing options for the numerous emerging and existing Marine Protected Areas around the world remain elusive. However, there are new opportunities and innovative mechanisms for MPA and coastal managers to find the financing necessary for biodiversity conservation and the long-term food security that is critical for the region. These mechanisms include both market-based and non-market-based approaches, the use of innovative fiscal instruments and Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES).

Sustainable Financing for Marine Protected Areas

This course is an introduction into the concepts of sustainable financing and the range of tools and mechanisms available to support the long-term financing of MPAs.

  1. To convey the range of sustainable financing mechanisms available for MPAs.
  2. To convey the range of sustainable financing mechanisms available for MPAs.
  3. To teach the processes needed for strategic financial planning.
  4. To provide practitioners with approaches for identifying resources available and resources needed to manage MPAs.
  5. To teach practitioners how to best link strategic needs with sustainable financing options that are appropriate to a site’s needs.
  6. To convey the role of wider stakeholders, donors, and investors in sustainable financing.
  7. To teach practitioners how to develop a sustainable financing plan.
Intended Audience
This training is for:
  • MPA managers
  • MPA managers
  • Government financial and administrative managers
  • NGOs
  • Administrative district and community leaders
Minimum Requirements
  • High school degree
  • High school degree
  • Good working knowledge of English
  • Experience in strategic planning and budgeting
This training can be given in Bahasa Indonesia and/ or English.
Four full days
Economic Valuation Skills for Marine and Coastal Management

This training aims to introduce students to basic economic theories and concepts to support the analysis of natural resource use patterns. Participants will learn to craft policy responses that lead to the sustainable use of resources. The course specifically focuses on techniques to identify and quantify the economic value of ecosystem goods and services.

  1. To convey basic economics principles and the role of incentives in shaping markets.
  2. To convey basic economics principles and the role of incentives in shaping markets.
  3. To help participants define and identify the presence of market failures and their causes.
  4. To convey the linkages between the ecological system and the economic system.
  5. To teach participants to identify and map the distribution of the economic costs and benefits of ecosystem goods and services.
  6. To teach participants to quantify the economic value of ecosystem goods and services using market and basic non-market methods.
  7. To teach participants to use the results of economic analysis (including economic valuation) for policy planning and advocacy.
Intended Audience
This training is for:
  • MPA and Fisheries managers and practitioners
  • Financial managers
  • Fundraisers
Minimum Requirements
  • S1/ Bachelor’s degree
  • S1/ Bachelor’s degree
  • Good working knowledge of English
This training is given in English.
Three full days
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Coral Triangle Center