16 Jul CTC Strengthens Gender, Equality and Social Inclusion Principles Institutionally
In July, CTC completed and finalized its Gender, Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) strategy, strengthening its commitment to further promote GESI principles institutionally and across all its programs across the region. Through this strategy, CTC recognizes that promoting GESI is key to achieving its mission to inspire generations to care for oceans – through improved marine resource management – and to ensure sustainable livelihoods and food security.
CTC’s GESI Strategy was developed in collaboration with GESI Consultant Sally Yacoub through funding from the David and Lucille Packard Foundation’s Organizational Effective Program. The strategy is based on the findings of a GESI assessment conducted earlier this year, in close consultation with a broad range of stakeholders, and which aimed to review of CTC’s practices, processes, achievements, opportunities, and challenges in relation to GESI. With the implementation of the GESI Strategy, CTC seeks to achieve its mission through a GESI-responsive approach and to contribute to promoting GESI in the region.
CTC’s GESI Strategy is well aligned with and complements the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries, and Food Security (CTI-CFF) – one of CTC’s key strategic partners. By implementing its GESI Strategy, CTC would contribute to and/or complement regional declarations and commitments including the ASEAN1 Declaration on the Gender-Responsive Implementation of the ASEAN Community Vision 2025, the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC) Gender strategy, and the Pacific Platform for Action (PPA) on Advancement of Women and Gender Equality. Moreover, it would contribute to international conventions and commitments including the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The objective of the GESI Strategy is to provide overall direction for CTC’s GESI interventions and investments. It encompasses a summary of CTC’s GESI commitments and overall approach along with guiding principles. It is intended for a diverse audience including CTC’s staff, partners, and other stakeholders.
It is anchored on the recognition that existing exclusions and inequalities are deeply entrenched in societies and systems. To address these challenges and achieve GESI, a long-term multifaceted approach will be pursued with interventions at multiple levels including the individual, community, institutional, and macro levels. The Strategy adopts a three-pronged approach encompassing mainstreaming GESI in all that CTC is and does – including in all projects – as well as targeted interventions and capacity building and advocacy for GESI.
Photo by Marthen Welly/CTC
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