06 Feb Online Teachers’ Training: Promoting Innovative Marine Conservation Education

Innovative marine conservation education is a step to teach students to love the ocean. CTC, in collaboration with Ludenara, will share exciting learning tips about marine conservation through a webinar “Belajar Asik Konservasi Laut” (“Marine Conservation Fun Learning”). This webinar is designed for teachers, highlighting game-based learning for marine conservation education. Through this activity, it is hoped that teachers can combine knowledge related to marine conservation with the school curriculum in fun, game-based learning. They will also learn how to teach their students about the UN Sustainable Development Goals, specifically Goal 4: Achieving Quality Education and Goal 14: Protecting Life Below Water.

This series of webinars will be held on February 21-22, 2021.  Please register yourself at the following link: bit.ly/BelajarAsikKLWS⠀


For further information, please contact:

Siwi (081139400400) or Novie (085814488298)

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