27 Mar SEANET Indonesia Kicks Off Activities with Staff Training in Ambon
On March 27-31, 2017, SEANET Indonesia kicked off a week of training for SeaNet officers and implementing partners to introduce the scope of the project and its relation to Fisheries Management Area 718, sociocultural condition of target communities and to learn basic fisheries science. During the training, SeaNet officers also learned how to engage, to collect a data, and to facilitate the community to identify their concerns and propose a solution to the community.
Further, to strengthen the understanding on fisheries science and fishing technology aspect, a day session was dedicated to learn some of fish stock assessment theories and some techniques of gear modification to reduce a by catch and environmental effect. By the end of the training, SeaNet officers are ready to formulate a work plan to achieve the project targets. A field trip in Ambon Bay was organized in cooperation with BP3 Ambon to provide some perspectives on fish farming.
SeaNet Indonesia is designed as a potential model for fisheries extension to improve the economic and environmental value of the fisheries resource in the Arafura region and to improve the livelihoods of marine resource dependent Indonesian fishers and fishing communities as well as to empower women economic role within the fisheries communities. The project is being implemented by the Coral Triangle Center in collaboration with TierraMar and funded by the Australian Government. Photo Credit: CTC
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