07 Dec In the Spotlight: Filming Success Stories in the Nusa Nusa Penida MPA

During the month of October, CTC collaborated and hosted two film crews in an effort to showcase success stories in marine conservation management at its Nusa Penida MPA field learning site to an international audience.

From October 1-10, 2023, we hosted the team from Seattle Aquarium, New York-based Thinc Design, and Indonesian-based Indopacific Films for a collaborative filmmaking project that will highlight the critical role of multiple stakeholders in the establishment and management of the Nusa Penida MPA. The final films will be displayed at the Seattle Aquarium’s new Ocean Pavillion which will be launched next year.

From October 15-19, 2023, we hosted a team from UK-based Proudfoot TV and Mission Blue to showcase the critical conservation efforts that CTC is implementing in the Nusa Penida MPA as one of Mission Blue’s Hope Spot. Hope Spots are ecologically distinct parts of the ocean that have been identified for protection as part of a global conservation campaign led by Sylvia Earle. There are more than 130 Hope Spots which can be existing MPAs or new sites that were chosen for their contributions to biodiversity, carbon sinks, and critical habitat.

The filmmakers who came from the UK, Australia, Thailand, and Indonesia, were able to capture and observe the CTC team while they were conducting their biophysical and resource use monitoring as well as outreach activities with the local communities. The final films will be completed next year as part of Mission Blue’s campaign to highlight Hope Spots in different parts of the world.

Photos: Leilani Gallardo/CTC, Wira Sanjaya/CTC, Evi Ihsan/CTC

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Coral Triangle Center