05 Feb CTC’s Center for Marine Conservation Hosts PADI Instructors’ Evaluations

CTC’s Center for Marine Conservation has begun a new relationship with PADI, the world’s largest scuba diving association and training organization. PADI has long had an interest in preserving the marine environment. PADI certified dive schools regularly train new diving instructors throughout Bali, and PADI ensures ongoing quality of the instructors by conducting instructor evaluations.

PADI has begun using the facilities at CTC’s Center for Marine Conservation in Sanur, Bali, specifically the training rooms and the dive pool for the 2-day evaluations. The co-located facilities proves ideal for this kind of event, simplifying logistics and providing PADI with the additional benefit of knowing all profits go to funding marine conservation programs.

PADI is an ideal partner for CTC as both organizations share the same goal of healthy, vibrant ocean ecosystems. CTC looks forward to ongoing relationship with PADI, and other potential future collaborations.

Find out more information or make a booking at CTC’s training facilities or dive pool.






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