13 Nov Surveying Some of the World’s Most Diverse Reefs in the Banda Islands

To further continue the establishment process of the Ay and Rhun Islands MPAs, and promote their effective management, research and data collection must be conducted to ensure that marine resource management is informed by the latest scientific data.  From November 2-13, the Coral Triangle Center, with...

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30 Apr Celebrating Earth Day with the Future Guardians of Nusa Penida MPA

For the fourth straight year, Coral Triangle Center collaborated with Bali Hai Cruises and Bali Hai Diving to celebrate Earth Day in Nusa Lembongan by spreading the message of marine conservation to local school children. The event was attended by 100 local students and teachers...

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25 Apr Building Capacity in MPA Management and Planning Across Indonesia

On April 22-25, 2019, CTC hosted four days of Technical Training in Marine Protected Area Management and Planning (Bimbingan Teknis Perencanaan Pengelolaan Kawasan Konservasi Perairan) at CTC’s Center for Marine Conservation and Nusa Penida Marine Protected Area (MPA). The training included 42 staff members from...

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Coral Triangle Center