Learn about the oceans and its magnificent biodiversity at the comfort of your home through our online courses!
We offer 3 different topics that will be taught by our marine conservation expert: 🌊Basic Marine Ecology, 🐠 Fish Identification, and 🪸 Coral Identification. SPECIAL CONTRIBUTION PRICE if you register to all three classes.
Through these courses, you will discover the wonders of marine ecology, fascinating and beautiful fish of all shapes and sizes, and the beauty of coral reefs. What`s even more special is that by taking these courses, you are directly contributing to marine conservation as all proceeds will be used for our programs in Indonesia and the Coral Triangle!
Register by September 17, 2024 (Marine Ecology Specialty and Certification) & September 19, 2024 (Fish Identification & Coral Identification) via the links below:
✨ Marine Ecology Specialty and Certification: bit.ly/marineecologycourse
✨ Fish Identification Course: bit.ly/fishidcourse
✨ Coral Identification Course: bit.ly/coralidcourse
Belajar tentang laut dan keanekaragamannya cukup dari rumah melalui kursus online dan sertifikasi kami!
Kami menawarkan 3 kursus berbeda yang akan diajarkan oleh ahli konservasi laut kami: 🌊 Marine Ecology, 🐠 Fish Identification, and 🪸 Coral Identification. Dapatkan harga kontribusi khusus jika kalian mendaftar untuk semua kursus!
Melalui kursus yang kami tawarkan, kalian akan mendapatkan ilmu ekologi kelautan yang menarik, mengetahui jenis ikan yang beragam dan indah dari segala bentuk dan ukuran, dan pengetahuan mendalam tentang terumbu karang. Yang lebih istimewa lagi, dengan mengikuti kursus ini, kalian berkontribusi langsung pada konservasi laut karena semua hasil akan digunakan untuk program kami di Indonesia dan Kawasan Segitiga Terumbu Karang!
Daftar sebelum 17 September 2024 (Marine Ecology Specialty and Certification) & 19 September 2024 (Fish Identification & Coral
Identification) melalui tautan di bawah ini:
✨ Marine Ecology Specialty and Certification: bit.ly/marineecologycourse
✨ Fish Identification Course: bit.ly/fishidcourse
✨ Coral Identification Course: bit.ly/coralidcourse
#coraltrianglecenter #marinespecialitycourse