14 Sep Saparua Island’s Mahu Village Strengthens Marine Conservation Commitment

On August 24, the traditional village leader (Raja Negeri) of Mahu Village in Saparua Island signed a village decree protecting forests, oceans, and coasts. CTC supported the development of the decree which also aims to protect the natural habitat of dugongs in Mahu Village, while serving as a valuable lesson for other villages in the Lease Islands Marine Protected Area (MPA).

Raja Negeri Mahu, Ms. Christina Mayauth Lawalata, signed village decree No. 03 of 2023 in front of 106 people, included local officials and partner organizations such as CTC and Baleo Foundation.

CTC, in collaboration with the Baileo Foundation funded by Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF), supported this development of the village decree as part of its efforts to conserve dugong habitats in the Lease Islands MPA. Purwanto, CTC Maluku Portfolio Manager, believes that the village decree will be effective in promoting marine conservation as it has the support from the entire community, which will help ensure consistent implementation. This will also serve a good example that can be replicated amongst other villages in the Lease Islands MPA.

“From the beginning of developing this village decree, we agreed with Baileo Maluku and Raja Negeri Mahu that the process is more important than the result. We want the process and stages of making this village regulation to be carried out properly and according to existing rules, including the initial discussion and initiation process, training by legal experts, formation of a drafting team, consultation with all communities, and public testing before the community agrees with the draft village regulation.” said Purwanto.

The village decree marks a significant milestone in Mahu Village. It symbolizes their dedication to conserving the environment for future generations. CTC, through the Kalesang Dugong Project, committed to supporting the initiative at the local level and to assisting in protecting the marine ecosystems in the Lease MPA, especially for the dugongs and their seagrass habitats.

Writers: Adam Putra, Purwanto
Photos: Gerald Istia/CTC

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