CTC hosted the visit of 25 people from eight different universities and held a discussion with our GIS and Knowledge Management Specialist, Nyoman Suardana, The purpose of the visit to CTC was to discuss how the plan for the naval ships traffic would impact marine protected area (MPA) in Nusa Penida.
The activities started with a tour around the Center for Marine Conservation, the students made a long stop at CTC’s exhibition hall, a space where arts meet the seas, they were particularly interested in the Grand Blue Project and coral restoration Exhibition, in awe of the MARRS method utilized in CTC’s coral nurseries. After the finished house tour, everyone entered the Banda Pavilion to start the discussion. Pak Nyoman introduced the Coral Triangle region briefly, explained MPA and the importance it holds to them. Moving to a more specific matter CTC Team explained Nusa Penida MPA, from the plan, execution, and to the management. After the presentation from Pak Nyoman, the guests were intrigued to know about the ecological faucet of Nusa Penida MPA. The question varied greatly, from how the coral reef ecosystem work, and what is considered a threat to them, to how does CTC tackle the threat.
The session ended with them working in a group to create a GPS system for naval ships, as well as small boats. It could be used to detect a boat/ship’s accurate position every 10 seconds. If there were any boat/ship that entered the naval traffic area or the core zone of our MPA, it would alert the tower and an officer that was in charge, so necessary action could be taken. Pak Nyoman expressed how it can help with the surveillance system in our MPA.
Writer: Cikal Qalnar
Photos: Cikal Qalnar/CTC
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