09 Oct Community Awareness Campaign for Endangered, Threatened and Protected Marine Animals in the Nusa Penida MPA

Earlier this month, CTC conducted three outreach and awareness raising activities in the Nusa Penida Marine Protected Area (MPA). As part of the COREMAP-CTI Grant Package 4 program in Nusa Penida that prioritizes the rehabilitation of critical marine ecosystems, the activities aimed to engage targeted groups of local communities, such as youths, fishers and local governments to be more knowledgeable about certain issues, such as the existing MPA zoning system and regulations, as well as endangered marine species protection.

CTC collaborated with Nusa Penida’s MPA Technical Management Unit (UPT KK) and the Department of Food Security and Fisheries (DKPP) of Klungkung District to deliver some key messages to targeted audiences. As the primary organizer and facilitator of the events, CTC provided topic-related materials such as posters, flyers, and videos, while government partners served as competent resource persons to the audiences.

The first outreach event took place at the UPT Nusa Penida MPA office on September 08, 2022. The event was attended by 28 participants (24 men and 4 women), representing the sub- district and village government, fishers, community surveillance groups (Pokmaswas) and dive operators in Nusa Penida and Nusa Lembongan. The Head of the Supervision Section of the UPT Nusa Penida MPA A. A. Ayu Raka Mirah, the Head of Klungkung DKPP I Dewa Ketut Suweta Negara, and the Head of Nusa Penida Sub-district I Komang Widyasa Putra delivered opening remarks and became keynote speakers about the zoning system in the MPA and the government’s role in increasing community compliance with regulations. CTC’s Nusa Penida Project Leader Wira Sanjaya presented information on the ETP marine species such as manta rays, sunfish, and sea turtles. The public discussion was open and dynamic with some feedback on the importance of having outreach events for fishing groups at village level, as well as on how government officials should follow up on reports and findings of law violations in the MPA.

The second day’s first activity involved 44 enthusiastic participants (20 men and 24 women) representing the school’s students and teachers, and MPA management unit staff, who joined the event. It was opened by the Head of SMAN 1 Nusa Penida I Ketut Jelantik, followed by a presentation about the MPA zoning system by Mrs. Mirah. CTC’s Program Communications Officer Yoga Putra provided attendees with information about ETP marine species. The activity was lively because the information was interspersed with fun games and quizzes. Participants who correctly answered questions received prizes from CTC.

In the final outreach activity, 38 people participated (16 men and 22 women), comprising of students, teachers, and MPA management unit staff. The Head of SMKN 1 Nusa Penida I Ketut Suweta delivered opening remarks, while Mrs. Mirah introduced the MPA zoning systems in the Nusa Penida MPA. Throughout the outreach, Yoga facilitated participants to watch videos about manta rays and discuss the importance of marine and coastal ecosystems, while gaining insights from participants about marine conservation through fun learning activities.

All events took place in person in accordance with the national Covid-19 health protocol (i.e. wearing face masks and social distancing). Organizing outreach events such as these contributes to the strengthening of relationships between CTC, local governments, schools, and the community. This can be viewed as a beneficial future investment for CTC in ensuring community mobilization and public participation in various marine conservation campaigns or activities in the Nusa Penida MPA.

Photos: Yoga Putra/CTC & Adam Putra/CTC

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Coral Triangle Center