On 25 June 2022, CTC hosted another successful session of the Ocean Keeper’s Club on “The Amazing Coral Reefs”. With the help of the Club’s virtual learning assistants (Max, Mindy, and Octa the Octopus) participants learned all about the importance of coral reefs to aquatic life throughout our planet’s many marine ecosystems, as well as corals as living organisms themselves.
We were joined by 23 students for this month’s fun-learning event. This was a smaller number than usual because the summer holidays are upon us. Participating students were largely from Bali, Java, and Kalimantan; the age range was from 7 to 11 years old. After reviewing last month’s materials on Seagrass Meadows and Dugongs, the students were introduced to a new environment: tropical coral reefs.
The aim of this month’s session was to introduce the children to the ecological importance of coral reefs to our planet, as well as why we must act to limit the impacts of climate change on this precious ecosystem. Not only do coral reefs protect our coastlines from land erosion, storms and strong waves, but they also provide livelihoods and a source of nutrition to millions of people around the world.
Octa the Octopus wrapped up the fun-learning event with a coral quiz. The were very engaged and they confidently provided answers to each of the questions.
The next Ocean Keeper’s Club event will be held in July. Look out for announcements from us regarding future sessions with the Ocean Keeper’s Club. To register for the next session you can follow the steps here: https://savingoceansnow.com/ocean-keeper/
Photo by Cathy Moerler
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