The second online fun-learning session of CTC’s Ocean Keeper Club – “Learning about Seagrass Meadows and Dugongs” was successfully delivered on May 21, 2022. Together with Max, Mindy, and Octa, the kids learned about the importance of seagrass meadows as one of the key marine and coastal ecosystems, as well as getting to know Dugong or the “Sea Cow”.
The online fun-learning was attended by 37 participants, mostly from Bali, Java, and Kalimantan, between 7 and 11 years old. This session started off with our facilitator thoroughly recapping the material from the previous session. Then, they introduced not only the importance of seagrass meadows to dugongs and the marine and coastal ecosystems, but also the parts of seagrass and the anatomy of dugongs.

The marine mammal, also known as sea cow, attracted the attention of the kids. There were a lot of questions that they asked during the Question & Answer session. Nengah Niko from SDN 4 Sanur, asked about dugong’s reproduction. Jill Pamela from SD Betlehem Bontang asked about the life cycle of dugongs. Towards the end of the session, the kids also expressed their thoughts about their experience during this session.
“This session was really fun! I learned a lot about dugong. Now, I know about the anatomy of dugong,” said Ngurah from SDN 10 Sanur.
The next session of CTC’s Ocean Keeper Club will be held in June. Stay tuned for the date of our third session of Ocean Keeper Club. If there are any friends or family that interested to join the next session, follow this link: https://savingoceansnow.com/ocean-keeper/
Photo by Putu Nicho/CTC
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