22 Feb Women in Nusa Penida MPA Learn New Skills in Seaweed Processing

To further optimize the utilization of seaweed products in the Nusa Penida Marine Protected Area (MPA), CTC conducted a training workshop for women groups to create eco-friendly plastic substitute products such as straws and food packaging using seaweed.

The seaweed processing training, which took place in Toyapakeh Village on February 22-23, 2022, was attended by 15 participants from various local groups including local women farmers (KWT), youth, and entrepreneurs.

During the training, participants learned how make seaweed pulp which were then combined with other ingredients and dried in high temperature to make straws and food packaging. The resulting seaweed straws and food packaging are food-grade and easy to decompose in nature. The challenge of using these products, if being made traditionally, lies in their durability and resistance to warm or hot contents. Nevertheless, the manufacture of plastic substitutes from seaweed is recognized as one of best efforts to mitigate environmental threats due to plastic waste.

Training participants expressed their satisfaction in joining the training, not just for the skill acquired but also knowing that the eco-friendly products they produced can contribute to marine conservation. They also welcomed the chance to increase their knowledge and skills in diversifying processed seaweed products and gain additional income for their household.

This training was delivered in collaboration with the Center for Testing and Application of Marine and Fishery Products (BBP3KP) of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF). The training is part of the Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program-Coral Triangle Initiative (COREMAP-CTI) Grant Package 4 in Nusa Penida implemented by CTC with full support from the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

According to CTC COREMAP-CTI ADB Nusa Penida Project Coordinator Evi Nurul Ihsan, the training on creating eco-friendly straws and food packaging from seaweed will be followed up with subsequent training in the future. One of the upcoming training workshop’s is the development of a business model canvas that will support the production, quality control, packaging and marketing process of the community’s key featured products.

CTC will implement the COREMAP-CTI ADB program until September 2022. At the end of the project, the community is expected to have an increased awareness of the importance of marine conservation to their livelihoods and natural habitats. Thus, the stressors on key marine ecosystems can be reduced and the effectiveness of the management of the Nusa Penida Marine Protected Area (MPA) will be increased.

Photo Credit: Kasman/CTC

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