30 Jan CTC Scientific Advisory Board Updates
In the second quarter of 2021, CTC welcomed esteemed scientist Dr. Rodney Salm to our Scientific Advisory Board. Dr. Salm is concurrently the Senior Adviser Emeritus, Micronesia Marine Program at The Nature Conservancy. Dr. Salm was raised in Mozambique and has a Ph.D. from The Johns Hopkins University. He has 50 years’ experience in international marine conservation and ecotourism, working in the Indian Ocean, Arabia, the Caribbean, Central and South America, the Arctic and Antarctic. Although retired from full-time employment Rod’s principal focus remains conserving coral reefs in the face of global change, including  warming seas, ocean acidification, and escalating use and threats. He is able to achieve this through his position as Senior Adviser Emeritus for The Nature Conservancy’s Pacific Division Marine Program. Rod is the author of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas: A Guide for Planners and Managers. Published by IUCN in its third edition in 2000, this book serves as a widely consulted reference for researchers and experts on marine conservation. In 1999, Rod joined The Nature Conservancy to head up marine conservation in Asia Pacific and was instrumental in developing The Nature Conservancy’s Global Marine Initiative. His work had resilience to climate change as a principle focus and grew from the need for a field application response to coral bleaching in the western Pacific to a global program on coral reefs and resilience. Based in Honolulu, Hawaii, Rod has played a strong role in training and mentoring conservation scientists from many countries.
In the first quarter if 2022, one of CTC’ Scientific Advisory Board Member, Dr. Jamaluddin Jompa was elected as Rector of Hasanuddin University in Makassar, Indonesia. Prior to his election, Professor Jompa has held a number of strategic positions such as serving as the Dean of Graduate School of Hasanuddin University, and the Chairman of Center of Excellence for Marine Resilience and Sustainable Development. He also served as the Director of Research and Development Center for Marine, Coastal and Small Islands in Hasanuddin University. Dr. Jompa is a Professor in Marine Ecology with research experience in coral reef biology and work with coastal communities. He is also an advisor to Indonesian Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. He has written a number of international publications and books from collaboration with international researchers and organisations. He obtained his doctoral degree from James Cook University in Australia and master degree from McMaster University in Canada. Dr. Jompa also serves as the Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Group for the National Coordinating Committee of Coral Triangle Initiative, Member of the National Commission on Fisheries Stock Assessment, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, and he served as the first President of the Indonesian Young Academy of Sciences.
CTC’s Scientific Advisory board members, who hail from the Coral Triangle and around the globe, provide specific technical advise to CTC’s programs and activities.
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