07 Oct CTC Welcomes New Board Members
In August, CTC welcomed four new board members from diverse backgrounds, who reflect our growth as a multi-faceted marine conservation organization. The new board members, who are highly-respected individuals from the coastal management, culture, business, and media sectors, will work closely with CTC’s Senior Management Team, providing a high degree of counsel and close supervision of CTC’s key activities.
Dr. Suseno Sukoyono is a Senior Principal at the National Institute of Public Administration in Indonesia. Prior to his current role, he was an expert staff member at the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) in the field of Community and Inter-Institutional Relations. He also served as the Director General of Marine and Fisheries Human Resources Development at the MMAF. In partnership with other public, private and non-governmental organizations, he encouraged and supported the establishment of a comprehensive and representative system of marine protected areas in Indonesia, which highlighted the importance of capacity building. He believes the key to managing marine resources lies in how we manage and improve people. Dr. Sukoyono also served as Chair of the Interim Regional Secretariat of The Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI-CFF), Secretary General of GLOBE Indonesia and Chair of the Indonesian Ornamental Fish Council. Dr. Suseno was born in Malang and received his PhD in Marine Technology from the Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) in Indonesia.
Dr. Hilmar Farid Setiadi is the Director General of Culture at the Republic of Indonesia’s Ministry of Education and Culture. He is a historian, humanist, researcher and activist. In 1994, together with several artists, researchers, and cultural workers in Jakarta, he led the establishment of the Cultural Work Network. He has also published literature and conducted extensive research on Indonesian culture. In 2002, Dr. Hilmar was involved in the founding of the Indonesian Institute of Social History (ISSI) and was its leader until 2007. Together with ISSI, he collaborated with the Indonesian History Teachers Association to develop history teaching materials for secondary schools. Currently, he is the chairman of the Praxis association. He is also the first person to occupy the position of Director General from a non-employment ministry level. Dr. Hilmar also teaches at the Jakarta Arts Institute (IKJ) and is active in various cultural forums such as the Asian Regional Exchange for New Alternatives (ARENA) and the Inter Asia Cultural Studies Society. He graduated from the University of Indonesia and the National University of Singapore.
Mr. Lin Neumann is the Managing Director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (AmCham Indonesia), an association that represents about 300 US companies doing business in Indonesia. Prior to joining AmCham, Mr. Neumann was a journalist and consultant for many years in Southeast Asia and the US. He was the founding editor of the Jakarta Globe newspaper, and hosted Insight Indonesia, a talk show on BeritaSatuTV in Jakarta, from 2008-2012. He headed award-winning newspapers in Hong Kong, South Korea and Indonesia. He co-founded an NGO in Thailand in 1998, and worked as a journalist in the Philippines in the 1980s. In the 1990s, he ran a radio station in California and headed two alternative weeklies – the Sacramento News & Review and San Francisco Bay Guardian. As a writer and foreign correspondent, he covered the Philippines, Burma in 1988, South Korea in 1987 and elsewhere. He co-founded the Southeast Asian Press Alliance in Bangkok in 1998 when he was working with the Committee to Protect Journalists. He also worked on press development in East Timor (2000-2003). He has consulted for the UN, UNDP, ASEAN, ADB, The Asia Foundation and private firms.
Mr. Jason Tedjasukmana is the Head of Corporate Communications at Google Indonesia. He was formerly a journalist and started his career at The Jakarta Post and RCTI’s English section. He then joined Metro TV to create its first ever English-language news program, and later on became correspondent for Time Magazine. He was the president of the Jakarta Foreign Correspondents Club, an organization for foreign news correspondents based in Jakarta, for many years. In 2014, he became Head of Corporate Communications at Google Indonesia. He graduated from the University of Michigan.
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