18 Sep CTC Leads JUARA Short Course for Journalists in Lampung

CTC, in collaboration with the Sustainable Blue Swimming Crab (BSC) Fisheries Committee (KPPRB) in Lampung Province and with other working partners, has conducted a media short course for local journalists in Lampung titled “Media Contribution in Sustaining BSC Fisheries in Indonesia.” This activity is part of the Rajungan untuk Masyarakat Sejahtera (JUARA) media campaign, which aims to spread awareness of and appreciation for the sustainable BSC capture fishery and other general capture fishery issues within the media at local and national levels.
The hybrid online and in-person activity took place on September 18, 2021, in Lampung City. Following the strict national health protocol of COVID-19, the course was delivered carefully to physically present participants who were socially distanced and wore face masks.
14 local print and media journalists attended this half-day event, from publications including News Lampung Terkini, Radar Lampung, Media Lampung, MNC Group/Sindonews, Tribun Lampung, LKBN Antara, Kupas Tuntas, Fajar Sumatera, Lampung Post, Warta Lampung, Teras Lampung, Saibumi, Suara Lampung and Lingkar Utama.
The event brought sustainability experts before the media, including the Directorate General of Capture Fisheries and the Ministry of Marine Affairs, as well as experts from the Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia, the Marine Affairs and Fisheries Agency of Lampung Province, NGOs, the Indonesian BSC Association (APRI) and the BSC Fishers Communication Forum of Lampung Province. Through each presentation, participants were exposed to the importance of communicating the BSC fishery narratives and key messages to the public.

Towards the end of the training, CTC and Terra Komunika facilitated an activity which allowed all journalists to draft a comprehensive media coverage proposal by incorporating narratives and key messages that came up throughout the day. These proposals included a theme, title, background, type of news, and news angle, as well as resource persons, questions, and a timeline.
After assessing the 14 submitted proposals, we granted “JUARA Awards” to the top 5 proposals. CTC also created a WhatsApp communication forum between media and all BSC fisheries stakeholders in Lampung to facilitate more discussions and media coverage coordination in the future.
CTC plans to hold the second round of the media short course in Jakarta, targeting journalists of national media, to raise the awareness of sustainable 

BSC capture fisheries issues at a higher level. It is hoped that by maintaining the news beat at all levels, the issue of BSC fisheries will gain better attention from the wider public so that we can protect the BSC stock from potential threats and loss in their natural habitat. (*)

Photos by: Yoga Putra/CTC

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