25 Jun Hands-on Learning about Coral Restoration


This month, CTC hosted a student for our two-day exclusive fun learning program, which took place in CTC’s Center for Marine Conservation, Sanur and the Nusa Penida Marine Protected Area (MPA). The exclusive fun learning program highlights the theme of coral conservation while enabling participants to learn first-hand about corals and coral rehabilitation programs at CTC’s coral nursery. The participant was given information about coral biology, as well as threats that coral faces and restoration methods that are being used to encourage the survival of corals. The participant also learned in depth about CTC’s Adopt-a-Coral program that aspires to provide socio-economic benefits to the local community in Ped, Nusa Penida, through direct employment.

The program started with an introduction to marine ecosystems and coral rehabilitation. The introduction was delivered through an interactive presentation, fun games related to the topic, Aquatico and Coralico, and also a coral clay workshop to wrap up the program’s first day. On the second day, the student had a hands-on learning experience with the Mars Assisted Reef Restoration System method that is use in CTC’s coral rehabilitation program. During the field activity, the participant had the chance to experience coral fragment tagging, coral monitoring, coral nursery clean-up and snorkeling around the coral nursery garden.

Photos by Sagung/CTC & Kasman/CTC

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Coral Triangle Center