11 Jun Coral Triangle Day Celebrated with Online Collaborative Musical Performance Featuring Wayang Samudra and Musical Duo Nova-Filastine

On June 11, 2021, CTC organized its first ever online musical collaboration between our very own Wayang Samudra and musical duo Nova-Filastine. With the theme “Driving Blue Recovery for the Coral Triangle”, the performance focused on how collaboration between humans and nature can be the answer to sustainable recovery in the Coral Triangle region. 

Nova and Fliastine are artists and initiators of Arka Kinari, a floating cultural platform to host workshops and music performances to sound the alarm for climate change, re-engagement with the sea and cinematic visuals to imagine life after the carbon economy.

Wayang Samudra (Ocean Puppets) merges art and storytelling to spread ocean conservation awareness. CTC’s Wayang Samudra consists of 32 wayang characters that highlight marine conservation and showcase the interrelationship between culture and nature.

During the performance, Nova and Filastine highlighted their effort to sound the alarm for climate change, drive a blue economy for the oceans and re-engage with the sea through their song and music, and the magnificent Wayang Samudra performance, led by puppeteer I Komang Wardana with classical Balinese music, also enlivened the show. 

CTI-CFF Executive Director Dr. Kushairi Bin Mohd Rajuddin also gave virtual opening remarks and highlighted the importance of collaboration in driving a post-pandemic blue recovery for the Coral Triangle. The performance was streamed live on CTC’s Youtube channel, with more than 200 people joining online. All the proceeds from this event will be used to support marine conservation fun learning classes for school children in Coral Triangle countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Timor-Leste, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands.

The Executive Director of the Coral Triangle Center, Rili Djohani, closed the event with special notes for all the sponsors and participants who made the event successful and hoped that we use the celebration of Coral Triangle Day as a time of reflection to acknowledge the importance of our oceans. 

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