08 Jun Nordic Embassies in Singapore Bring Together Over 1,600 Runners Online For Ocean Protection
Using smart technology, the Nordic embassies engaged their communities in a competitive run towards a greener environment as they celebrated the Nordic National Days from May to June 2021. The race, called ‘The Nordic Green Run’, jointly organised by the embassies of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, attracted more than 1,600 participants from the Nordic communities, including local runners, to run as many kilometers as possible to protect marine biodiversity by supporting the Coral Triangle Center. The runners completed over 46,000 kilometers, which is more than one circle around the world (40,000 kilometers)! For every kilometer, sponsors will donate funds to support marine conservation programs.
In times of social distancing, creative solutions make up for social activities. In an effort to mark their National Days this year, the embassies combined creativity with technology—and the idea of a digital community charity run was born. Runners were invited to connect online and register via a mobile app to form country-based communities and log their distances.
Ms. Sandra Jensen Landi, Denmark’s Ambassador and initiator of the activity, said, “A shared interest for nature, environment and sports, together with digital habits, led to a huge number of runners joining, a crazy amount of kilometers and a great feeling of community. We enjoyed it – all while running for a green cause – and that’s the most important!”
Mr. Niclas Kvarnström, the Swedish Ambassador, said, “Today only one percent of international oceans is protected, The Nordic Green Run is a step in the right direction, contributing to protecting the oceans and creating marine protected areas, where every kilometer makes a difference!”
Mr. Antti Vänskä, Ambassador of Finland, said, “The world is facing environmental challenges that need everybody’s involvement. Countries, companies, individuals, all have an important role to play. The Nordic Green Run did just that! It contributed kilometer by kilometer to cleaner oceans, to a better world, and it was a lot of fun!”
Team Norway won the race with more than 18,000 kilometers, ahead of Denmark with 17,000 kilometers. Ambassador of Norway, Ms Anita Nergaard, said “I am very excited by the wonderful effort by all runners for all four Nordic teams. Together we have shown the best of the Nordics for the benefit of clean and sustainable oceans, we have strengthened the friendship between Singapore and the Nordics, and we have forged stronger bonds within our communities.”
CTC Executive Director Rili Djohani thanked the Nordic embassies for their outstanding initiative. “It was an amazing collaboration that successfully rallied thousands of people to take direct action in supporting marine conservation in Indonesia and the Coral Triangle. We are thankful to the donors for their generous support to this unique initiative. Our gratitude also goes to the runners who put in all their efforts and energy to raise funds to protect and restore our coral reefs and educate more people about the importance of saving our marine biodiversity. This innovative event inspires all of us and shows how we can collaborate across countries and sectors to protect our planet. Bravo to everyone involved in making this activity a reality.” The friendly competition between the Nordic teams in the Nordic Green Run 2021 is finished, but the community will continue running and bonding digitally, for healthy fun together.
Photos by: Nordic embassies in Singapore.
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