During this pandemic, CTC has developed several online fun learning activities to continue our mission to spread the word of marine
conservation. This month we had the chance to take the kindergarten students of Saint John’s School, Meruya on a virtual field trip and introduce them to the beauty of the ocean. During the two-day event, from April 29-30, we held interactive fun learning classes to engage the children to learn about our marine animals. Through this online learning experience, the students were introduced to the different life cycles and interesting facts about several marine animals, such as turtles, seahorses, clownfish, sharks, whales and molas. The presentations were combined with interactive online games and quizzes. At the end of the virtual field trip, the students had a chance to learn more about charismatic marine animals while learning traditional Indonesian weaving
practices. Using palm leaves as the main material, all the participants learned to weave one of the most iconic marine animals, the Moorish Idol. All the students were very enthusiastic to learn about these unique marine species and learn about the importance of protecting them.
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