We are deeply saddened by the news that
CTC’s board member Bapak Widodo Ramono passed away at the hospital in Bogor on 24th December 2020 due to complications from COVID-19. Our deepest sympathy to his wife Ibu Turnia and children Hesti, Dewi and Elfan. Our thoughts and prayers are with them during this difficult time.
Pak Widodo leaves an impressive conservation legacy behind with 41 years of service in the Forestry Department, 4 years in TNC and his remaining years until now in the Rhino Foundation. He put his heart and soul into conservation. His knowledge, commitment and passion for conservation, and his calmness under all circumstances was an inspiration for us all. His support to CTC since our establishment in 2010 until today is greatly appreciated. Pak Widodo shared his extensive field experience with all of us and wholeheartedly supported our approach in turning knowledge into on-the-ground action.
Pak Wid received several international awards for his relentless efforts for conservation and particularly for his work on rhinos in Ujung Kulon and Way Kambas National Park. He has been instrumental in advancing conservation in Indonesia as Director for Species Conservation and National Parks of the Forestry department, Policy Director in TNC, Board Member at CTC, and as Executive Director of Yayasan Badak Indonesia (YABI) supported by the International Rhino Foundation.
Pak Widodo will be sorely missed but fondly remembered as one of the most dedicated conservation leaders of Indonesia.
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