04 Dec Evaluating A Decade of CTC’s Capacity-Building Activities
CTC has been known to consistently deliver capacity building-activities to support better marine protected area (MPA) management in the Coral Triangle region for almost ten years. These activities have targeted various participants such as local communities, governments, MPA personnel and related stakeholders at local and national levels. To reflect on learning and skills gained from all training delivered to date, CTC recently held a post-training evaluation workshop at the Center for Marine Conservation in Sanur, Bali.
As of September 2020, CTC has delivered 245 structured-training sessions, reaching 5,435 participants from many countries, particularly Indonesia. To date, CTC provides 28 training courses in which the majority are MPA-theme related. New themes on the list are the Blue Economy, Blue Carbon and Climate Change, and Women Leadership in Marine and Coastal Management.
Support of and investments in the MPAs and capacity building for management of natural resources are continuously increasing. Consequently, there is a need to measure the success of training implementation and its impacts on individual performance, conservation targets and other indicators. To assess the impact of CTC’s training on MPA management, a periodic evaluation is needed.
The post-training evaluation workshop was conducted over three days, starting from December 01 to 03, 2020, and attended by CTC managers and staff. Education practitioner Dr. Uwes Anis Chearuman, M.Pd from the State University of Jakarta (UNJ) guided the team to build the evaluation framework. CTC and Dr. Chearuman adopted the Kirkpatrick training evaluation model developed in 1996.
According to this model, there are four levels in evaluating capacity-building activities, namely Level 1 (reaction), Level 2 (learning), Level 3 (behaviour), and Level 4 (results or impacts). However, in this workshop, the CTC Training and Learning team focused more on levels 3 and 4 to build the evaluation framework (i.e. what to measure, how to measure, and what tools to use).
By focusing on levels 3 and 4, CTC will be able to describe how well alumni have applied new skills and knowledge from the training once they are back on the job. It will help CTC to measure impacts of all targeted outcomes. Over the past decade, CTC has evaluated training using tools of levels 1 and 2, such as pre-tests, post-tests and quizzes. Moving forward, CTC will focus on documenting actual results concerning the impact and outcome of training and learning activities.
Several highlights included the capacity-building evaluation and the application of various methods and tools, such as questionnaires, work reviews, interviews, and focus group discussions. The evaluation, itself, will be conducted in the first semester of 2021, targeting all government-staff and community-members alumni from 2015 to 2019. The rationale is that alumni before 2015 might not work in the same field due to the government institutional rotation system.
Following this workshop, the CTC team is currently preparing the final protocol to conduct a post-training evaluation to be ready in January 2021. All evaluation tools are also set to be prepared by March for required data collection. Therefore, the preliminary result can be delivered on time in May to support the final report in July this year.
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