07 Nov Partnerships to Promote Sustainable Fisheries in Aceh
On November 03-06, 2020, CTC supported collaborative work between the Marine and Fisheries Agency of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province and the Wildlife Conservation Society-Indonesia Program (WCS-IP) to hold the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) Training in Banda Aceh. The training aimed to increase participants’ knowledge and skills in EAFM, as well as addressing gaps in EAFM implementation in Indonesia, especially in Aceh waters, which require structural and functional adaptation at all fisheries management levels.
The four-days training was attended by 17 participants (1 woman and 16 men), coming from various institutions. This training was unique as it was delivered in a mixed method, both virtually and in-person. The trainers presented all materials virtually, while all participants and co-facilitators were gathered at the Hermes Palace Hotel, Banda Aceh. Assisted by co-facilitators, these participants would discuss and study the EAFM module from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), combined with CTC’s fisheries governance module and learning materials from the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF).
One of the CTC staff, Agustin Capriati, became the trainer in this training. Overall, the training results indicated an average increase in knowledge of 27.5 points among participants, which already met the CTC training target. The training was also successfully implemented, despite a few obstacles such as unreliable internet connection and other technical errors. According to participants, the training was perceived as interesting, exciting and useful.
The Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam is one of the essential locations for sustainable fisheries management due to its geographically strategic value. Aceh waters fall into two different Fisheries Management Areas of the Republic of Indonesia (FMA-RI), namely the FMA-RI 571 and FMA-RI-572. Moreover, Aceh is also one of Indonesian provinces that is leading in regional fisheries and marine policies. Currently, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) of the Republic of Indonesia and WCS-IP are developing a sustainable fisheries management program for small pelagic and demersal fish commodities in Aceh. This program will result in the Fisheries Management Action Plan (RAPP) which includes some strategies for utilizing fisheries reference points for sharks, snappers and groupers.
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