Celebrating Indonesia’s 75th Independence Day, the Community Stewardship Group (Pokmaswas) in the newly declared Sula Islands Marine Protected Area, North Maluku Province, engaged the local community to release 50 baby sea turtles (tukik) on the seashores of Waisum Village in Northeast Mangoli. This activity was conducted by the local community and students. The baby sea turtles were born in a hatchery where sea turtle eggs had been relocated to ensure that they are not poached or sold by other community members.
Conservation efforts in Waisum Village are driven by our local partner and champion (Pejuang Laut) La Nafsahu Idrus. As a community leader and the chairman of the Pokmaswas in his area, he continuously encourages people to protect sea turtle as an endangered marine animal. It is important to protect sea turtles as they are crucial to maintaining the balance of the marine ecosystem. There are several sea turtle species found on the seashore of Waisum Village such as the Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), Green turtle (Chelonia mydas), and Leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea).
Photo credit by La Nafsahu Idrus
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