CTC Executive Director Rili Djohani joined international experts in a webinar that aimed to explore the approaches and tools used in Protected Area Management Effectiveness (PAME) from around the world. The webinar was held on July 22 and organized by the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA).
Evaluation of PAME is recognised as a vital component of responsive, pro-active protected area management and is an essential component of adaptive management. PAME assessments are important for improving management so that protected area objectives and conservation outcomes are met.
There is an ever-growing suite of tools available to assess PAME. With such a range of methodologies available, choosing the right tool for the right site and knowing what to measure can be difficult and may account for the limited reporting on “effectiveness” or site-level performance.
Ms. Djohani presented an update on the Aichi 11 targets of the Government of Indonesia and the revisions on the management effectiveness framework for MPAs. She also introduced the roadmap for Indonesia’s 10-year MPA visioning process and presented Nusa Penida as a case study on the application of the management effectiveness tool.
The webinar, attended by more than 250 participants from around the world, introduced the IUCN WCPA Framework for assessing management effectiveness of protected areas and explored some of the main tools used to assess PAME by using site-specific examples. Attendees came from academia and government and non-government organizations as well as focal points for management effectiveness assessments around the world.
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