An injured melon headed whale (Peponocephala Electra) was found stranded in Waisum, Sula Islands in North Maluku on June 23, 2020 and was rescued by CTC’s Pejuang Laut (Champion of the Sea) La Nafsahu Idrus and the members of the local Community Stewardship Group (Pokmaswas).
La Nafsahu, who has been trained by CTC as one of our champions in Sula Islands MPA, fully understood that the stranded whale was an Endangered, Threatened and Protected (ET) marine animal so that he did his best to save it. Together with other Pokmaswas members, La Nafsahu helped the stranded whale to move to the deeper water and released it.
La Nafsahu said that he was very grateful to be able to save a stranded whale. He also appreciated the local community member who reported the finding. “I am happy that the community members understand the protected animals. I wish more community members will learn about the ETP marine animals and I do hope more people will actively participate in the surveillance to protect our marine area”, said La Nafsahu.
Marine mammal stranding is often caused by disorientation caused by loud noise or sound pollution, strong waves, or swimming too close to the coast. Often lack of knowledge to give emergency aid to stranded mammals can cause their death. Thus, it is important to train the coastal community members on how to help the stranded animals to minimize the deaths. CTC continues to work with the community in Sula Islands to further establish their MPA and at the same time take care of the charismatic marine animals that live in their waters.
Photos : Pejuang Laut
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