12 Mar Training on Fisheries Governance Conducted in Lampung

CTC conducted another training to advance the capacity of fisheries managers in Lampung and West Java. The training was conducted in response to the result of a capacity needs assessment for fisheries managers conducted at the provincial and national levels in 2019. The assessment showed that fisheries governance, leadership and communications, the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management, spatial planning, and economic valuation are needed to advance their capacity.


In collaboration with the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), CTC has created a curriculum for fisheries governance, and this training was the first training on fisheries governance conducted by CTC. This three-day training was conducted in Bandar Lampung from 10-12 March 2020 and was attended by 24 participants from the Blue Swimming Crab Fisheries Management Committee of Lampung Province, and staff of the Fisheries Department of West Java, Bekasi, Karawang, Indramayu, Cirebon, and Subang in West Java.

Various learning methods were used to transfer knowledge through case studies, games, and discussion so that the participants could understand the basics of fisheries governance, evaluate the implementation of fisheries governance principals in their working area, identify and map stakeholders and create a proper management plan.

During the training, trainers also engaged learning exchange among the stakeholders, especially from Lampung Province, which had more experience in this realm. The “Catching the Fish” game was implemented for the participants to understand input and output control, the importance of social and economic aspects and the importance of considering social and biological aspects to create a proper management plan.

We hope this training was able to give them new insight on fisheries governance and blue swimming crab management so the ongoing management initiative can be finished properly.

Photos by : Aulia Priandina/CTC

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