This month, we received two groups from Study Bali International. Study Bali International provides various English training programs, ranging from an English camp to academic writing courses. Visits from the Study Bali International groups are quite frequent. Since our partnership with Study Bali International in mid-2019, we have been receiving countless group visits from them. Their groups usually consist of five or six children from 8-12 years of age.
Their visit to CTC begins with a brief tour of the center’s facility. During the tour, the CTC tour leader explains about the Coral Triangle region, coral life forms, and the importance of coral and marine animals. After the tour around the center, they played our Escape Room SOS from the Deep to understand further about marine conservation through a fun learning game. Through this interactive game, they learned about the ocean environment and the threats facing marine life, while they challenge themselves to solve the puzzles. All the children were very enthusiastic to learn about marine conservation. Through great teamwork, these children managed to solve the puzzle and escape just in time!
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