The Coral Triangle Center continues to support the Pejuang Laut (Champion of the Sea) in Maluku and North Maluku, eastern Indonesia. To build knowledge and expand their skills, seven Pejuang Laut were selected to attend the 2020 Champion Training, arranged by the USAID Sustainable Ecosystem Advanced (SEA) Project in Ambon, Maluku. For this training, CTC encouraged more women to participate, to build their capacity to advocate for the protection of the sea from illegal fishing practices and other threats, and support gender equality in marine conservation projects.
Megi Pesirahu, a member of Pejuang Laut who has been acknowledged as one of the USAID SEA Champion of Champions, shared her inspiring story on advocating for the establishment of an MPA around her home island, Buano, in Maluku Province. “I wanted to protect the island that has been providing for the people in Buano. The island has an abundance of fish, coral and mangroves that support livelihoods there” said Megi. She began working with CTC as one of the Pejuang Laut after she showed her concern and steadfast efforts to influence her community in South Buano Village to change their behavior and protect marine resources.

Pejuang Laut are engaged through the USAID SEA Project, and are key to the establishment of MPAs in Maluku and North Maluku Province. They play a significant role in promoting sustainable fisheries and protecting endangered, threatened and protected marine species.
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