The CTC Center for Marine Conservation has developed unique methods to raise awareness on protecting marine life. Through fun learning activities, we raise awareness in the community about marine ecosystem, and what we can all do to protect them. Through traditional art performances, such as Wayang Samudra and Kecak, we are inspiring people to care for the ocean. During the Ocean Legacy Awards, these traditional art forms combined with contemporary interpretations were performed for our guests, to spread the word on marine conservation and connect with local cultures. We also showcased fruit carving inspired by the beauty of marine life, created for the evening by local artists.
Kecak Samudra and Tari Baris Kontemporer were performed by young children from Sanggar Wit Tonjaya Balinese Dance School at the Ocean Legacy Awards on Friday evening. Baris is a Balinese traditional dance that tells the story of the strength of Balinese soldiers from long ago. CTC has been working together with this local dance school in Denpasar to raise awareness on ocean conservation. We collaborated with the dancers to deliver a contemporary version of the Baris dance, to showcase local art and culture.
Kecak Samudra was also performed by 45 young dancers and five gamelan musicians from Sanggar Wit Tonjaya. Kecak Samudra is a contemporary interpretation of the traditional Balinese Kecak Dance. CTC developed the dance in collaboration with local schools in an effort to merge art and culture to inform the wider public on issues facing marine environments. Using Kecak dance techniques, marine conservation and pressing ocean issues are woven into the storyline by dancers representing the Balinese God of the Sea, fishers, and marine creatures.
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