The Ecosystem Approach for Fisheries Management (EAFM) training in Ternate for North Maluku, 12-15 November 2019, was a collaboration between the Wildlife Conservation Society, who managed the event, and the Coral Triangle Center, who facilitated the training. It was targeted at government institutions and universities in North Maluku, who are members of snapper and grouper fisheries technical working groups in the province.
The training aims to increase participants’ knowledge of EAFM concepts and participants’ skills to develop near-shore snapper and grouper fisheries management plans with an ecosystem-based approach. For four days, 27 participants learnt about EAFM concepts and the cycle of EAFM, and practiced developing EAFM management plans.
During the training session, participants were challenged to list the main stakeholders for EAFM working groups using stakeholder analysis; identify Fisheries Management Unit (FMU) boundaries; set up an FMU vision; develop five-year goals for the ecosystems, fish stocks, socio-economic status and governance of the area; define objectives; and develop an action plan. Additionally, they identified indicators and benchmarks for each objective, which will be useful for monitoring and evaluating the management plan.
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