Coral Triangle Center hosted an outreach session on the Green Fins program at CTC’s Center for Marine Conservation on May 25, 2019. The session was led by Alvin Chelliah who heads the Green Fins program in Malaysia and has tremendous experience in developing the Green Fins program for more than 10 years.
Green Fins was implemented in Malaysia in 2009 under the management of the Department of Marine Parks Malaysia and it was renewed in 2014 with training sessions for local assessors. In July 2018, Green Fins Malaysia had 69 active members with 16 assessors. Furthermore, seven dive centers in Malaysia are recognized as part of the top ten Green Fins members in the world. Alvin is also certified as a Green Fins assessor trainer by Green Fins International.

The sharing session was joined by dive centers and representatives of the government in Bali.During the presentation, Alvin spoke about how Green Fins can support marine protected area management, the challenges that dive centers face in their road to becoming more sustainable, and how the program can support them in the process. After a one-hour sharing session, Alvin and three participants also experienced becoming ocean warriors by playing Escape Room SOS from the Deep.
Indonesia has also become a new member of Green Fins. For more information about the Green Fins program in Indonesia, please email
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