Children are innate scientists and love to experience new things. The environment provides countless opportunities for discovery, creativity and problem solving. In our Center for Marine Conservation, we provide activities for kids to have fun while gaining new environmental knowledge.Another fun learning class was successfully held this month with Dyatmika. On 3rd May 2019, we had a group of grade 1 students visit our center for fun learning activities. A group of 26 students came to learn about marine ecosystems and all the animals that depend on them.
The children participated in a variety of activities, such as a Fun Learning Class, Coral Clay Workshop and Amazing Ocean Race. During the Fun Learning Class, the students seemed very enthusiastic to learn about the importance and benefits of protecting the environment for humans and marine life.
During the coral clay workshop, the students had the chance to play with their creativity in molding coral out of clay. While the students created their own coral art, they were also taught about different types of corals and coral lifeforms. The Coral Clay Workshop was then followed by the Amazing Ocean Race where the students had to find clues around the Center to complete a mission to save the coral reefs by doing an on-the-ground action to preserve and conserve them.
The highlight of this event was at the end of the day, when a student said she had learned the importance of protecting all ecosystems and that coral is important for the world.
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