CTC as part of USAID Sustainable Ecosystem Advanced Project, in collaboration with DKP Maluku Province, as well as trainers from University of Pattimura (Unipatti) and BPPP conducted basic training on marine protected area (MPA) for 16 community representatives of Buano Village on April 23 – 25, 2019. Buano Islands has been recognized as an MPA under Local Regulation of Maluku Province Number 1/2018 and this training aimed to provide knowledge on the concepts of an MPA and some ecosystem factors that influence an MPA, raise awareness on the importance of MPAs, equip local communities/stakeholders with the knowledge needed to support the outreach process in the development of Buano MPA, to learn logical thinking on the benefit and mechanism for an MPA to function, and to raise input from all stakeholders on MPA zoning design within Buano MPA.
Participants were very active in considering the Valentine Strait as the core zone since the Valentine Strait is a critically important area for giant mud crab (Scylla serrata) and lobster spawning. Additionally, local communities pointed out that the Valentine Strait is a safe haven for young tuna fish and skipjack.
Participants also experienced logic games – the Tragedy of the Commons – to boost understanding around the concept of resource management in a zoning system. They were challenged to be rich and wise fishermen at the same time.
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