26 Feb Introducing Marine Protected Area Community Surveillance Systems in Buano and Sula

CTC successfully conducted two information dissemination activities about the community surveillance systems (Sistem Pengawasan Berbasis Masyarakat/SISWASMAS) to the stakeholders in the proposed marine protected area (MPA) of Buano Island and the newly declared Sula Islands MPA in North Maluku. The activities were part of the implementation of USAID SEA Project to build local capacity in marine conservation and law enforcement. sula-buano-marine protected areaThe SISWASMAS socialization in Buano took place on February, 14 2019 and was attended by 30 participants from two main villages, namely the Buano Utara and Buano Selatan Villages. Meanwhile the activity in Sula was conducted on February, 26 2019, with total participants of 58 community representatives from local governmental institutions including 5 sub-districts and 7 village government officials. In addition, CTC invited a number of  speakers to join the activity and delivered presentation, such as the Law Enforcement Division of Maluku Police Department, Water Division of North Maluku Police Department, Marine Affairs and Fisheries Office of Maluku and North Maluku Province, PSDKP Stasion Ambon and LPSPL Sorong.

The events focused on providing new knowledge about community based marine surveillance systems to the community and related stakeholders, including all applicable rules and regulations for an effective MPA management and marine resource monitoring. Some villages in Buano and Sula Islands have already formed community surveillance group, but not yet certified by the provincial government. Therefore, it is important for CTC to support these groups in gaining official recognition and push other community based surveillance groups formation this year. The groups will play strategic roles in protecting the MPA with local wisdoms as main consideration.

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CTC will provide more training to the official groups in Buano and Sula Islands focusing on the activity watching, information gathering and reporting mechanism through 3M principles: Melihat, Mendengar, dan Melaporkan (Seeing, Hearing and Reporting). CTC will also facilitate the established surveillance group to be in partnerships with police department, other local NGO partners and MAF Office at provincial level. The establishment process of the groups will be closely supervised by CTC field officers in Buano, Lease and Sula Islands.

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