22 Feb Help Rehabilitate Bali’s Reefs through Our Adopt a Coral Program

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to transplant a coral underwater? Now is your chance to learn about the coral transplantation process through our “Adopt a Coral Program.” You don’t have to know how to dive to do this as you can simulate an underwater coral tagging using our ceramic corals at the Center for Marine Conservation.  After the simulation, our team will then transplant a coral on your behalf in the Nusa Penida Marine Protected Area.

How does it work? The coral adoption process is very simple, one must write down their name and personal message on the tags made of natural materials, and attach it to one of the ceramic corals on display. The tags are sent out once a week to our community partners in Nusa Penida MPA for planting at the coral nursery where it will monitored and taken cared of – we will also take a photo as a keepsake!

We work together with the local environmental community Satya Posana Nusa to restore the coral reefs around Nusa Penida’s Marine Protected Area. Through the coral adoption program we will be able to plant juvenile corals in the coral nursery, and monitor their growth for the benefit of our oceans. This coral nursery also serves as an education point for the local schools and youths to learn about the importance of corals in their own backyard.

For only 250,000  you are able to adopt one baby coral tagged with your name and message, receive a small memento,  a certificate of adoption and a photo update on how your baby coral is doing after six months. For more information, visit us at the CTC Center for Marine Conservation at Jalan Betngandang II, 88-89, Sanur, Bali or drop us an email at info@coraltrianglecenter.org

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Coral Triangle Center