29 Nov Green School and Sanur Independent School Learn About Marine Conservation with CTC
On 29 November and 4 December 2018, primary students from the Green School Bali and Sanur Independent School came to visit the Center for Marine Conservation on a field trip to close off this semester’s school program. There were 41 students from the Green School Bali and 28 students from the Sanur Independent School that arrived at the Center.
Having had a visit from Dr. Sylvia Earle and Courtney Mattison last October, the Green School Bali students were excited to come to the Center to see Courtney’s art installation and learn about marine conservation. Both school visits involved an interactive presentation on coastal ecosystems, viewing the Semesta Terumbu Karang—Coral Universe, 1-hour playing the Escape Room SOS from the Deep, fun with the Aquatico board game, and the making of their own coral clay. The children were excited to learn about coral reefs and participate in the activities. These visits from local schools in Bali is part of CTC’s effort to increase capacity building for marine conservation and engage younger generations through a fun-learning environment that helps them find their passion to protect coastal ecosystems and share their gained knowledge with others. Â
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