16 Oct CTC Organizes Media Training on Sustainable Fisheries in Preparation for OOC 2018
This month, CTC organized two media training workshops in Jakarta and Bali to highlight key points and help explain the critical issues on sustainable fisheries that were discussed at Our Ocean Conference 2018. The workshops were co-organized with the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries and supported by the Walton Family Foundation.
The first workshop was held in Jakarta on October 16, 2018 at the Aryaduta Hotel and the second one was held in Bali on October 21, 2018 at the CTC Center for Marine Conservation.
The resource persons were Dr. Ir Toni Ruchimat, Head of the Fisheries Research Center, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, CTC Executive Director Rili Djohani, CTC Senior Program Manager Hesti Widodo and CTC fisheries consultant Abdul Halim.
There were two main topics highlighted during both workshops: basic sustainable fisheries management and marine protected area (MPA) management. The aim for sustainable fisheries management course were:
- To introduce sustainable fisheries management concept
- To introduce tools for sustainable fisheries management
- To learn popular method to assess fishery stock for single species
As for MPA management
- To introduce marine protected area concept, threats, challenges
- To introduce the benefits of MPA zoning system and management for fisheries
- To experience basic simulation for biophysics monitoring for adaptive management
During the workshops, the participants learned that (1) managing fisheries resources may use several methods in which MPA is one tool to control input, process, and output in fisheries, (2) fish length relates strongly with the ability to increase population dynamic (juvenile), (3) zoning system within MPA allows for multiple activities to conduct while maintaining several areas as fish banks, (4) Indonesia has MPA management effectiveness evaluation tool in which showing that majority of MPAs are still not yet managed or in red level, (5) collaborative efforts among stakeholders are needed to manage marine and fisheries resources sustainably.
A total of 14 journalists participated in the Jakarta representing from Kompas Daily, Kompas.com, The Jakarta Post, Kumparan.com, Vivanews.co.id, Tempo.co.id, Bisnis Indonesia Daily, Investor Daily, Liputan6.com, Kontan Daily, Jawa Pos, MNC TV, Parlementaria.com, Media Indonesia Raya.
For the Bali workshop, 12 journalists from 13 news media organizations such as Tribun Bali, Radar Bali, Kabarnusa.com, SWA Magazine, Global FM Bali, Cendananews.com, Viva.co, Liputan6.com, Venue Magazine, Metro TV, Inews TV, Bisnis Bali attended the event.
Both workshops were very well received by participants and resulted in 11 news articles about sustainable fisheries management in Indonesia.
Some of the selected news articles can be found online in the links below:
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