30 Sep Installation of Semesta Terumbu Karang – Coral Universe in Full Swing

The installation of our monumental community-based ceramic art installation has been in full swing since September. Our lead artist, Courtney Mattison was in Bali to lead the final design and installation of the sculpture in collaboration with our Indonesian artists. The sculpture design highlights the connectivity and important roles played by all six Coral Triangle countries in preserving reefs in this vital region—the “bullseye” of marine biodiversity.

Semesta Terumbu Karang—Coral Universe was commissioned by the Coral Triangle Center (CTC) to inspire people to appreciate the beauty, value and fragility of coral reefs and act to support coral reef conservation. This work was built in collaboration with Jenggala, Balai Teknologi Industri Kreatif Keramik (BPPT-BTIKK).

The installation will be launched at the end of the month in conjunction with the Our Ocean Conference 2018. Stay tuned for more updates!

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Coral Triangle Center