27 Sep Marine Protected Area Management and Benefits
CTC Executive Director Rili Djohani joined partners and colleagues at @America last 27 September, 2018, for an engaging discussion on marine protected area management and its benefits.
The two-hour talk entitled “Marine Protected Areas: Harmonizing Human and Nature Needs” explored why marine protected area matters and how it benefits not only the marine biodiversity and habitats but also the coastal community’s livelihoods and lives by ensuring marine resources are long lasting and beneficial to local people.
The talk show was organized by USAID Sustainable Ecosystems Advanced (SEA) Project and included other experts such as Agus Dermawan, Secretary of Marine Spatial Management Directorate of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Allison Green of The Nature Conservancy, and Meity Mongdong of Conservation International.=
The speakers also discussed the Government of Indonesia’s commitment to establish 20 million hectares of effectively managed MPAs across the country by 2020, increasing this to 30 million ha by 2030. The speakers also tackled the challenge to ensure that these MPAs are under effective management and not simply a declaration of law which in the international community are often referred to as “paper parks”.
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