27 Aug CTC Conducts Capacity Building Training to Support Marine Protected Area Establishment in Central Java Province
CTC conducted a training entitled MPA Design and Open Standards for Conservation Practices (OSCP) on 27-31 August, 2018, as part of its implementation of the USAID Sustainable Ecosystems Advanced (SEA) Project. The training aimed to enhance the capacity of coastal and marine resources managers in Fisheries Management Area 712, which is located in Central Java Province.
A total of 22 participants attended the training representing the fisheries and marine affairs department of the provincial government of Central Java and local districts such as the fisheries, tourism, and environment management staff from the Kabupaten of Demak, Tegal, Kendal, Batang, Rembang, Brebes, Pemalang, Pantura Barat and Pantura Timur.
In his opening speech, the head of the Marine and Fisheries Affairs Department of the Central Java Province expressed his appreciation to the USAID SEA Project and CTC for conducting the training in their area. He noted that the training is very important as Central Java Province is in the process of developing the its coastal and small islands zoning plan (RZWP3K) which will include establishing about 35 local marine protected areas. He hopes that in the future USAID SEA Project and CTC will continue to support building the capacity of local government and stakeholders by other MPA trainings for other districts in Central Java.
At the end of the training, the participants were able to increase their knowledge on MPA design and zoning concepts and OSCP and learned adequate skills to create model concepts and chain diagrams which can be applied in the planning of ecosystem-based conservation in Central Java Province.
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