05 Feb Upcoming Event: Aquatico Launch, February 23, 2018

Bringing fun into marine education is the goal of CTC’s marine education based board game, Aquatico, which will be launched at CTC’s Center for Marine Conservation in Sanur, Bali on February 23, 2018.

The board game aims to tackle key concepts such as the interconnectedness amongst ecosystems and the value of working together to protect the environment and make these concepts mainstream knowledge. The more ways we can weave marine education into daily lives and in fun and play, the more people will understand at a deeper level that we are all connected by one ocean and have a duty to protect it.

This innovative approach to raise awareness was developed in collaboration with Kummara, a Bandung-based game studio focused on “games for change.” It’s an adaptation of Ridges to Reefs concept where players learn the value of the inter-connectivity of ecosystems and understand that in order to save one, they have to save all.

If you would like to join the event on February 23, 2018, please send an email to info@coraltrianglecenter.org


To find out more about Aquatico watch the teaser video.

Aquatico is now available for direct purchase at CTC Mola Shop and Manikmaya, as well as via this online marketplace.

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Coral Triangle Center